Nothing is worse than a growling stomach in the middle of class or getting hungry during a shift and you still have an hour and a half to go until lunch! They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and while there’s debates as to whether or not that’s true, it’s definitely my favorite! I try to get a balanced meal with complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein to keep me satiated all morning long. Here are three of my go-to breakfast meals:
Roasted Veggies & Over Easy Eggs
I usually meal prep the roasted veggies and keep them in a container in the fridge to have over the next 3-4 days. I like to roast brussel sprouts, sweet potato, mushrooms, and grape tomatoes with some olive oil, onion salt, garlic powder, oregano, and crushed red pepper. I put about a cup of the roasted veggies on the bottom of a plate and sprinkle some feta cheese. I then top it with two over easy eggs, hot sauce, and a half of an avocado.
Overnight Oats
For the busier weeks or if I’m craving something on the sweeter side, overnight oats is my go-to! The night before, I’ll mix half a cup of rolled oats, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, half a cup of non-dairy milk (I usually use coconut milk or almond milk), a dash of cinnamon, and one scoop of protein powder. What I love about overnight oats is you can change up the flavor by either alternating protein powders and/or toppings. My favorite protein powder is Skratch Labs, their horchata and chocolate flavors are the best! As for toppings, I usually use nut butters like almond or cashew, coconut flakes, and fresh or frozen fruit. If you opt for frozen fruit, I recommend putting in the oatmeal at night so that it can thaw by morning.

Avocado Toast
And of course, avocado toast. I’ve been eating avocado toast for breakfast since I was in middle school. Similar to the overnight oats, you have a standard base and can dress it up however you want. The essentials is good bread (I personally like Dave’s Killer Bread) and half of an avocado. After toasting the bread, I place avocado slices on top. Some people prefer to mash the avocado and putting it on the toast as more of a spread, but this is more personal preference. I love topping it with a fried egg, pickled red onion, chives, lemon pepper, Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel Sesame Seasoning or red pepper flakes. To add extra flavor, I occasionally put a smear of onion chive cream cheese or hummus.
What are your go-to breakfast meals? Comment them below!

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